Unhappy People

If you’ve been reading my articles for very long  you’ve found that I often times write about real life situations. Well yesterday was one of those days!  It started with  my early morning bike ride to the jetty (a popular spot for surfers and anglers alike) and my encounter with what I believe was a…

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Have You Met Him?

Have you ever met someone that left a lasting impression on your life? I have met many people in my lifetime but I’ve never encountered someone so full of love and compassion as my best Friend. He has never left my side. He’s been with me through the happiest and even the most trying times…

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Love My Enemies? Really?!

Believe it or not the subject of “Love your enemies” is just as much therapeutic for me as it will be for you.  Before I have ever started blogging, I have always enjoyed writing. Sometimes I would write to God about my concerns, worries, fears and even anger toward others. I have also been very…

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