Have You Met Him?

Have you ever met someone that left a lasting impression on your life? I have met many people in my lifetime but I’ve never encountered someone so full of love and compassion as my best Friend. He has never left my side. He’s been with me through the happiest and even the most trying times…

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Do Nothing?

What would you do if there was a man, woman or even a child on the side of the road hurt? Many of us would do something to help? Some may call 911 while others would pull over to see what is wrong and believe it or not, there are those who would just pass…

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Life After Tsunami

Amid the rubbish stands one of the most beautiful sites anyone will ever see: Springtime Sakura, better known as “cherry blossom” trees.  While preparing for my trip to Japan, I look at the hard work our friends in Otsuchi are doing by helping the people that have been devastated by the tsunami that swept through…

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