Summer Romance

Well I must admit I am not a harlequin romance novelist, but I do know a thing or two about romances. I know what it’s like to see a boy and feel like you’re going to melt.  Today, we would describe him as “hot!”  As I think back, my first summer love was when we…

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That’s Not My Job

Have you ever approached an employee of a store for help and had them respond with something like, “Sorry, this is not my department” Or have you ever had someone come up to you at work and say, “Can you help me with this?” Knowing that what they are asking of you does not fit…

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Have You Met Him?

Have you ever met someone that left a lasting impression on your life? I have met many people in my lifetime but I’ve never encountered someone so full of love and compassion as my best Friend. He has never left my side. He’s been with me through the happiest and even the most trying times…

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He’s Alive and Well

For thousands of years the story of Jesus death and resurrection have been told in churches, meeting places and homes all over the world.  Jesus himself began to speak of his death even before they laid a hand on him. “Listen” he said, “we’re going up to Jerusalem, where the Son of Man will be…

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Til’ the Hurt is Gone

“You’re never gonna be alone…If you feel like letting go-I’ll never let you fall…I’ll hold you til’ the hurt is gone”  Lyrics from the song “Never Gonna Be Alone” by Nickelback.  On YouTube alone there are have been over 8 million people that have nourished their soul by the verses from this song.  That’s 8…

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And there she was, a beautiful woman crouched  down covering her head in fear knowing her death was just a stones-throw-away! Then, all of a sudden, a kind and gentle man approached her and said to the crowd surrounding her, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” Then…

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What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Loving others is not easy especially those who irritate or rub us the wrong way. Many times in my walk with the Lord I have had to endure people that are difficult to be around. No matter where you are in life, you will have such experiences and there is no avoiding it. Sometimes even…

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