Did GOD Say, Wives Submit? Papyrus 46

In my 45 years of Walking with Jesus and studying His Word, and the “True” definition of the scriptures, I have come across verses that “on the surface” have not sat right with me, or better said, have not agreed with my heart; my spirit, and as I read them, I knew something was not…

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Treat Her As You Should

Much of the struggle in many marriages is the wrong interpretation of scripture and the personal opinions of others when it comes to Adam and Eve. These beliefs are based on the presumption that men are superior to women. I will prove this to you in scripture that this thinking and practice in many marriages…

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Wives Submit, WHAT?

My husband, who is a Pastor and Bible teacher for over four decades, grew up in an era where men were controlling and mean. I have grown up in a generation where women, because men did not learn “Husbands LOVE your wives As Christ Loved the Church and GAVE HIMSELF for it.” have decided they…

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