Not long ago I visited a church and spoke with an older woman who had been teaching a weekly Bible study, and during our conversation, I shared that I was a Pastor, and also informed her about Priscilla and Aquila, a husband and wife Ministry team in the book of Acts, and how they had…
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Church SCANDALS and How to Stop Them
By: Nina
Head of the ChurchAdam, Adam male and Adam female, Apostle Paul and women, Authoritarian headship over wives, Bible, Bible women, body of Christ, can women be pastors, church growth, Created in the image of God, Equality, equality for women, Faith, femaile pastors, God created male and female, head of the church, Jesus and Women, Jesus is the head of the church, Jesus is the way the truth and the life, male pastors, priscilla and aquila a church in their home, Satan is the father of lies, signs wonders and miracles today in the church, submission in marriage, truth, what does it mean that the husband is head of his wife, what does the body of Christ mean, women ministers, your kingdom come your will be doneLeave a Comment on Church SCANDALS and How to Stop Them