Many of you may remember the movie “Jerry Maquire” starring Tom Cruise. In the beginning of the movie Tom’s character “Jerry” has what I would call an epiphany and from that he writes about his realizations and feelings which lead him to the demise of his career as he knew it. It was the result of…
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Someone’s Gotta Say It
By: Nina
The Great Mission of ChristGods kingdom mission, I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, Jerry Maguire, Jesus parable of the wheat and tares, Mathew 25, Ponce Church, Rich Stearns author of the book Unfinished, Rich Stearns author of the national bestseller the hole in our gospel, Rich Stearns President of World Vision US, Richard Stearns, sheep and the goats, the condition of the body of Christ today, the first church in the history on Ponce Inlet Florida, the great mission of Christ, the Kingdom of God, the twenty first century church, Tom Cruise in Jerry MaguireLeave a Comment on Someone’s Gotta Say It