In my 45 years of Walking with Jesus and studying His Word, and the “True” definition of the scriptures, I have come across verses that “on the surface” have not sat right with me, or better said, have not agreed with my heart; my spirit, and as I read them, I knew something was not…
Read MoreDid GOD Say, Wives Submit? Papyrus 46
By: Nina
Ephesians Chapter 5, Wives Submitadam and eve, Christ is head of the church, codex sinaiticus, did God says wives submit?, Ephesians 5: 18-33, husband is head, husbands and wives bible, husbands love your wives, Kephale means head, kephale means Source, mutual submission husbands and wives, papyrus 46 oldest greek Ephesians 5:21 and 22, submitting yourselves one to another, Wives submit, wives submit not in original greek, wives submit not in the Papyruse 46, women in the BibleLeave a Comment on Did GOD Say, Wives Submit? Papyrus 46