What most people don’t know about the acclaimed former starting quarterback for the Denver Bronco’s and now playing for the New England Patriots is his heart. Some think he’s putting on a show while others believe he is the “genuine” thing! So what makes him different from the rest? Not only does he show his gratitude to God with his famous “Tebowing” but it’s much deeper than that. I recently read an article by one of ESPN’S most popular commentators, Rick Reilly, titled, “I Believe in Tim Tebow” published January 13, 2012. In his article he says, “I’ve come to believe in Tim Tebow, but not for what he does on a football field, which is still three parts Dr. Jekyll and two parts Mr. Hyde. No, I’ve come to believe in Tim Tebow for what he does off a football field, which is represent the best parts of us, the parts I want to be and so rarely am.” Reilly also goes on to say, “Every week, Tebow picks out someone who is suffering, or who is dying, or who is injured, flies them and their families to the Broncos game, rents them a car, puts them up in a nice hotel, buys them dinner (usually at a Dave and Buster’s), gets them and their families pregame passes, visits with them just before kickoff (!), gets them 30-yard line tickets down low, visits with them after the game (sometimes for an hour), has them walk him to his car, and sends them off with a basket of gifts.”
On and off the field Tim Tebow has a heart for God! Period. He has found out at such a very young age what God’s heart is: “People.” What many don’t know or understand is that God is a good God and that He sent his only Son, Jesus to die for all mankind. Jesus paid the greatest price of all, all because of God’s love for people! What Tebow understands is that “giving” truly is more blessed than “receiving”. For example, right after Tim threw the 80 yard touchdown pass to Demaryius Thomas last week to win the game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, he went to pay a visit to 16 year old Bailey Knaub and spent an hour with her talking about her many surgeries and taking a genuine interest in what she likes. Can you believe that?! While the whole world was sending out “tweets”, posting on facebook and YouTube about that amazing play, he was visiting the hurting! In his article Reilly posed this question, “This whole thing makes no football sense, of course. Most NFL players hardly talk toteammates before a game, much less visit with the sick and dying.Isn’t that a huge distraction? “Just the opposite,” Tebow says. “It’s by far the best thing I do to get myself ready. Here you are, about to play a game that the world says is the most important thing in the world. Win and they praise you. Lose and they crush you. And here I have a chance to talk to the coolest, most courageous people. It puts it all into perspective. The game doesn’t really matter. I mean, I’ll give 100 percent of my heart to win it, but in the end, the thing I most want to do is not win championships or make a lot of money, it’s to invest in people’s lives, to make a difference.”
“I was born in the Philippines while my parents served as missionaries, and I have always had a great love and passion for the Filipino people,” said Tim Tebow, Founder of the Tim Tebow Foundation. “It is so exciting to be able to provide healing and care for these incredibly deserving children halfway around the world.” Tim Tebow. Tim Tebow has announced that the children’s hospital “Tebow CURE Hosptital is now open for children. “The hospital, built in partnership with CURE International, is a five-story, 30 bed facility with 3 operating rooms specializing in pediatric orthopedic surgeries. Currently, 17 of the hospital’s 30 beds are available and a team of 54 devoted staff members are ready to provide care to the underserved children of the Philippines.” From the article at timtebowfoundation.org. Thank you Tim for sharing what God has blessed you with to “be a blessing” to those in need and who can never repay. Your acts of love model what it means to be a true follower of Jesus. Thank you.
Thank you Tim Tebow for showing us and the world who God really is, by allowing your “light” to shine, the Light of Love that brings Glory to our Heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I can think of few QBs who I would more want to build my franchise arnuod than Tim Tebow. 1st, he’s already shown repeatedly, that he’s a winner. 2nd, he’s shown repeatedly, that he is a Leader with few peers. 3rd, in any major sports franchise at any level, particularly Pro, with so much invested, those dreaded off-field issues can kill it. Fantasy Leaguers are quick to dismiss. But they’re quick to dismiss everything. Dismissiveness is their coping mechanism in life. The Owner or even head Coach, of a franchise absolutely cannot dismiss it. Does anyone seriously doubt that Jerry Richardson (owner of the Panthers) doesn’t dread getting a 3:30AM call? We all know Cam’s penchant for issues. No matter how good he might be on the field, one Cam Newton Moment’ can tank the franchise for a decade. You have none of those concerns with Tim Tebow. You’re placing your franchise into just about the safest hands you could find.And we get to the final thing. Tebow is by far the most popular player in NFL history and he is for a reason. When you are building a franchise into a consistent winner, you need the Fans behind you. What better way than having the Most Popular Player to ever Play the Most Popular and important position as your franchise icon? These things matter a lot. That Tebow has always found a way to turn them into trophies is a bigtime bonus. 0 likes