
Have you ever seen the TV show “Family Feud” with host Steve Harvey?  Toward the end of each show the winning family chooses two of it’s members to play “Fast Money” During this time one member goes off the stage into a sound proof booth, while the other plays the first round. The contestant is…

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Happy Heart = Healthy Heart

It used to be that eating a poor diet affected our all around health, but now research shows that living life unhappy can affect our hearts as well “If you’re not happy with your job, family, sex life, or self, it can make your heart hurt–literally. In a long-term study of British government workers, those…

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Check Your Bags

I remember standing in line with my husband while in the LA airport as we made our way home from our Japan mission trip. We knew by the looks of the boarding area that it was definitely going to be a full flight! Everyone had carry-on’s and so I welcomed the sound of the flight…

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Worry Free Life

My husband and I were talking the other morning and since he has been teaching faith, our thoughts and how to deal with worry and stress, I decided to share with you an analogy I thought of during our discussion.  If you are breathing, I guarantee that you have plenty of opportunity to worry.  You…

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