I have found that many have their own theories about love, some say it’s a word or a feeling, and there are even those who believe that love does not exist, but I have chosen to accept what the word of God says about love: What it is, where it comes from, who’s to give…
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The Many Faces of Love
By: Nina
Many Faces of Love, Nina Tidwelldoes God love me, faith in action, fruit of our faith, fruit of the spirit is love, God is Love, Good Samaritan, how do I show God I love him, how do I show Jesus I love him, is love real, Jesus teach Mathew 25 the sheep and the goats, justice, love comes from God, love is another word for mercy and justice, love is bearing fruit, love your neighbor, Mercy, What is Love?, where does love originate, who is my neighbor, who should I loveLeave a Comment on The Many Faces of Love