Jesus Love is not limited. When he walked this earth as a man he shunned no one. He loved everyone especially those who were despised and ridiculed by others. As I was thinking the other morning, I remembered a true story in the Bible where Jesus and his disciples were invited by Mathew (a despised…
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2011 Super Bowl, cast the first stone, Christina Aguilera, Faith, forgiveness, forgiving others, God so loved the world, God's love, God's mercy, he that has not sinned, love brings happiness, love brings peace, loving others, mercy, Nina Tidwell, SaviorBible, Christianity, Christina Aguilera, God, Jesus, Jesus sat withe sinners, judgement, judging other for their sin, Mercy, Pharisees, Religion & Spirituality, Sin, they that are merciful shall receive mercy, unforgivenessLeave a Comment on His Love is Never Limited