We’ve seen in the scriptures that a Peaceful Heart leads to a healthy body. Colossians 3 says that we are to set our sights and focus on the things of heaven which will take our focus off the things of the earth which allows us to let the peace of God rule our hearts. What’s…
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The Power of Love
By: Nina
Healing is Connected to Forgiveness, How to live in Health, The Best Medicine of All, The Power of Lovea peaceful heart leads to a healthy body, dealing with unforgiveness, get rid of what poisons our body, getting rid of anger, Gods correction leads us to love and peace, Healing is connected to forgiveness, how to have Peace, how to live in health, letting go of anger and bitterness, live a life of health, live a life of peace, love others, One of the best medicines, the power of loveLeave a Comment on The Power of Love