If God was going to tell man that he would rule over the woman, He would have said it in the Garden Before the fall, but he didn’t. In Fact, he gave THEM, Both Adam and Eve, Dominion alright, but NOT over one another. Let’s take a closer look: In Genesis 1: 26-31, it says,…
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Did God Tell Adam to Rule Over Eve?
By: Nina
Adam and Eve Created Equal, Women's EqualityAdam and Eve are equal, Adam and Eve have dominion over the garden, Apostle Paul and women, Authority in the Bible, Bob Edwards Why I'm an Advocate for Women's Equality, Bob Edwards Why Im, Creation in the Bible, Did God tell Adam he would rule over Eve, does the husband really rule over his wife, Eve in the Bible, God did not tell Adam he would rule over Eve, God tells husbands to honor their wives, the sin of Adam and Eve, what does honor your husband mean, why are Christian husbands mean to their wives, Women and the bibleLeave a Comment on Did God Tell Adam to Rule Over Eve?