When it comes to favorite food choices such as waffles and pizza these two sisters share different tastes, but when it comes to surfing their dreams are very much the same. Both Elle and Rossi Klein started surfing at a very young age, Elle was 10 and Rossi 8. Their inspiration came from both their mother Arlene (who by the way can really rip!) and other surfers, Elle unabashedly admits that the “hot boys” also played a role in her interest to surf. When asked what pro surfers they admire and look up to Rossi responded and said, “I like Jordy Smith and Sterling Spencer because they seem funny. I also like Stephanie Gilmoore, she rips and seems like she has a good attitude.” Elle said she admires Jack Freestone, “…because he surfs really good and is really cute!”
In 2006 both girls entered their very first surf competition at Beachblast in St. Augustine, Florida. Elle took 1st and Rossi 2nd. In 2009 Rossi entered Surfing America Championships held at Huntington Beach, California and placed 2nd for the girls 12 and under division. Also in 2009 Elle entered the ESA Regionals and placed 4th for girls division 14 and under. Currently Rossi is 3xs Regional Champion of girls 14 and under ESA-SAFL. In 2011 Elle held Regional Champion in junior women’s 15-17 ESA-SAFL. In 2012 both entered their first pro competition at Kona in New Smyrna Beach where Rossi made it to the semi-finals.
Update: Rossi wins the Tommy Tant Surf Contest 2013 in Flagler, Florida
Since Ponce Inlet is one of the girls favorite places to surf along the coast of Florida, I shared with them a recent comment from a local woman surfer (who also surfs at Ponce) and that during my conversation with her she said that both Elle and Rossi have really “stepped it up” and that their surfing has really improved over the past year. When I asked both girls how they felt about this comment they both agreed, Rossi said, “I do feel like I have been improving this year since my family bought a beach house and I’ve gotten home-schooled.” And Elle humorously responded and said, “That girl knows talent, lol…”
Not only do these sisters enjoy surfing in Florida, they both expressed how much they really like Puerto Rico. Elle says she likes surfing Hobos,“…because I feel like I really fit in there.” Rossi says “Puerto Rico beats Florida by a long shot” and that her favorite spots are Middles and Surfers. But when in Florida, they both prefer surfing at Ponce and New Smyrna.
Although surfing is their number one passion, it appears that when they’re not on their boards rippin’ it, they’re busy flying airplanes, painting, eating, wake-skating and scuba diving, and if that’s not enough to keep them busy, they also expressed they enjoy photography, filming and playing with their dog Princesa.
When I asked what their long-term goals and dreams are when it comes to surfing they both said they want surfing to always be a part of their life, Elle: “I want to have a lifestyle where I can support myself by surfing, I’m not sure if I want to go on tour though.” Rossi: “My dream is to go on the WCT (World Championship Tour) and win a few titles. I am never going to quit surfing as long as I live!”
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Man we love watching these girls progress. Good Spirit and Attitude, you two make us all proud. Keep Ripping IN2IT girls….
Love the artical.Team Kline is 1st Class.Thanks for representing.
Thank you! Elle and Rossi have some real amazing talent and they work hard at it too!