What are your goals for 2011? Are they to lose weight, fall in love, or spend more time with your family? Whatever your ambitions are you can make them a reality!
Let’s start with the Top 10 2011 list of New Year resolutions:
1) Lose weight
2) Get organized
3) Spend less-Save more
4) Enjoy life-Follow God
5) Staying fit and healthy
6) Learn something exciting
7) Quit smoking
8 Helping others achieve their dreams
9) Fall in Love
10) Spend more time with family
Since statistics say that less than half of those with New Year resolutions will actually succeed, how do we beat the odds and reach our goals? Susan Solovic who appeared on Fox Morning Show says the following:
1) Keep it REALISTIC: Don’t overwhelm yourself will all the things you’d like to change or improve on.
2) Start small: Pick one that is of most importance to you right now
3) Be SPECIFIC: If you are looking to incorporate more exercise in your daily regime make a decision such as “I would like to exercise 30 minutes a day 3 days a week” once you achieve that goal, increase the duration and/or days per week.
4) Write it down: This helps to make us more accountable. Post your goals where you can see them. I usually place a sticky note on my bathroom mirror for a reminder.
5) Tell Someone: Let a friend or loved one that is optimistic know your goals, someone you can trust to support you.
6) Get a buddy: Find a friend or a work colleague that shares the same interest as you so that you can support one another in your goals. http://www.fox2now.com/news/morningshow/ktvi-susan-solovic-new-years-resolutions-success-122710,0,2913401.story
It all starts in your mind. Success and failure all begin with our thoughts first! Take a look at your own life: Your accomplishments, what was/is it that drives you to succeed? If you trace back to the beginning you will find that it all began with a thought. For example, “I’m going to go to college and be a…” Or “I’m going to start my own business.” Whatever it is, it all began with a thought. The second is true as well, things that you have failed at (just because we fail at something does not mean we are a failure…remember that!) you may have thought “I would really like to take some classes to be a…” and then finished with this thought, “BUT….I don’t have enough money” Or “I’m not smart enough.”
Maybe you have been wanting to become healthier by losing some weight, some of the most sabotaging thoughts are “I’ve tried it before and it doesn’t work” Or “I never succeed at anything.” Whatever it is, we get exactly what we’re thinking about. Why? Because before we accomplish or fail at anything it always begins with a thought first. Julie Fischer contributor of ezinearticles.com says in her article “How to Keep Your New Years Resolutions-5 Steps to Success” “The longer I ponder it, the more I believe that “mindset is everything”. You can have the best-laid plans and even take action on them, but if your mindset isn’t in alignment with your goals, you won’t reach them. Using the weight loss example again, if you are holding on to thoughts, beliefs, or feelings that negate your ability to lose weight (e.g. “I’m just not disciplined enough to stick to a diet”), you are sabotaging your success. Upgrade your mindset to increase your odds of success.” You can contact Julie @ http://www.discoverycoaching.info
Where did the whole “thought process” originate from? The Bible says, “Whatsoever a man thinketh in his heart so is he” Your thoughts whether good or bad determine your future. Jesus says to “cast down” or get rid of negative thoughts, why? Because they will stop you from achieving God‘s best for your life. He says his plans for you are for “good and not evil…to give you a hope and a future” So if you’re looking to make improvements in your life begin by thinking positive thoughts about your situation and surround yourself with people who support your dreams, visions and goals in life and you will accomplish all that is in your heart to do!
Happy New Year!
For more information regarding the power of our thoughts, listen to the teachings “What’s On Your Mind” by Rick Tidwell