Leslie Nielsen known for his comic role as Frank Drebin in the popular film series “The Naked Gun“, “Airplane” and 1972’s film “The Poseidon Adventure” died at the age of 84, November 28, 2010, with his wife and two daughters at his side.
Leslie and my father the late Marinus (Bob) Nielsen were first cousins. I remember as a child while visiting family in California, my parents would go and visit with Leslie and his family. It wasn’t until as an adult while living in Arizona was I able to meet Leslie for the first time. My husband who worked in advertising had heard that Leslie was going to be in the Phoenix area promoting his golf video. I was able to contact the company that was head of promotions at the time and they forwarded my message to Leslie. That evening I received a call and when I picked up the phone, I knew by the sound of his voice who it was. As he began to kindly introduce himself, I said, “I know who you are” and began to thank him for taking time out of his schedule to call. He invited me and my family to meet him at the location that he would be promoting his golf video. I remember it was a video store (of course) the manager allowed me, my husband Rick and our son Rich to wait in the back. I remember seeing through the back entrance door, (that had been left open) a car pull up and watched him as he walked up the steps. Leslie was very kind. We chatted a bit about family and about his career. We were so excited to meet him…I couldn’t believe it, I remember thinking “I’m related to a big movie star!”
I will always cherish a photograph that was taken and given to us by a local photographer.
I am also sad that now as a full time minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I was not able to share the Love of God with him. In fact, the night before his death, for some odd reason I remember thinking (not knowing he was hospitalized for Pneumonia) “Does Leslie know about Jesus?” “He’s getting older, is he going to die soon?” It’s ironic, because just a few years ago after visiting my Dad in Michigan, and while I was driving away, I had this thought, “Is my Dad going to go be with Jesus soon?” When I arrived back in Florida, about a week later, I received a call from my older sister that our Dad had just passed.
I have made the decision that I am not going to hold back anymore. When I feel a compelling to share God’s love with anyone, especially family…I am going to do it! I am no longer going to worry about offending them. If I do, then I’ve at least done what is in my heart to do, and at least, even if it’s not accepted, they will have heard and be given the opportunity to open their hearts and to the One who loves and died for them, Jesus Christ whom God raised from the dead. They will have heard that Jesus, the Son of the Living God is their only way to enter God’s Kingdom. I love my family and friends that much!
If you’re still reading this then chances are you’re open. Maybe you reached article by searching Leslie Nielsen, or possibly someone I know, you may even be a member of my family…whoever you are, know that God loves you! “For God so Loved the World that He gave His One and Only Son, That Whoever Believes in Him will not perish, but Have Everlasting Life.” John 3.16.
God Loved humanity so much that He came in the flesh through the person of His Son, Jesus, paid the penalty for our sins, Jesus also “bore our sicknesses and carried our pains” Prophesied by the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 53, the bible says that He (Jesus) became sin, who knew no sin….and that because of what He did for us, made it possible for us to enter Heaven, and all He asks of us is to Believe, ask Him to forgive us, for He says in His Word, “If we confess our sins, God is Faithful and Just to Forgive us our sins, and cleanse us (Heal) from All unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. But we must come to God in Faith, for it is impossible to please God without Faith. God is a gentleman, and will never force himself on anyone, as He has given us Freewill, He gives us the Choice to Believe. “Behold I set before you Life and Death, Blessing and Cursing, therefore Choose Life, that you and your seed (offspring) may Live.” Deuteronomy 30:19.
I was 21 when I made this decision. My Father, the late Bob Nielsen, a former Fire Fighter and Captain of Paramedics in Warren, Michigan, gave his life to the Lord, and I saw a Real Change in him, and then his Faith began to affect our family, including my hippie brother “Bob” Robert Leslie Nielsen, that he began to tell me about Jesus, and since my life was so in a turmoil, I decided to turn to the Lord, asked Him to forgive me of all my sins, and as I did, His Amazing Love enveloped me so much so, that I knew something had changed. If you’d like to know more, I would be more than happy to send you my book: Love Awakens, (complimentary), or if you are a member on Kindle, you can access it for free.
Prayer is simply talking to the Lord as you would your best friend, call out to Him, He will hear you, for He says His eyes are upon us and His ears are open to our prayers.
He is not a respecter of persons, He Loves everyone the same. Call on His Name, the Name of Jesus.
God Bless You!
Pastor Nina (Nielsen) Tidwell
Ponce Church
Nice reading! Courage and passion go together! It take courage to share “The” passion with someone who needs Christ!