I remember ministering at a church some years ago asking this question: ‘What if Jesus came through the doors needing a jacket or sweater to keep him warm, how many of us would offer him ours without hesitation? Or if he was hungry and came to our home, would we not share our meal with Him?’ I believe we would immediately make every effort to serve Him whatever he had need of.
This is exactly what Jesus was referring to in Mathew 25:31-46. In fact the same Lord whom we worship and praise in our own homes and at church says “I was hungry and you feed me, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and in prison and you visited me, I was a stranger and you took me in…if you do these things for the least of these (for those who have less than you) you have done it for Me” – Showing love to our neighbor is how we show Jesus our love for him and the Father. “Love The Lord your God with all your heart…AND this next saying is just like it: Love your neighbor as yourself”.
Ponce Church and our sister church Ormond Church is very active in feeding the homeless and helping families in need. They also support Restore Hope Daytona and Legacy Housing for age out foster girls by providing a support system including safe stable housing, job placement, budgeting, college enrollment and spiritual support.
For more info, visit us at PonceChurch.com and RestoreHopeDaytona.com