I love Psalm 136, it really gives us an amazing perspective of how loving and powerful our God is. Whenever you have those moments of doubt wondering if God really loves you, read this chapter and be encouraged in the truth that God REALLY does love you and all of humanity. I know sometimes it doesn’t always look and feel that way because most media covers only the evil and corruption you see in the world. But what about all of the people who experience miracles in their life? What about all of the volunteers throughout the whole world giving their time to helping the poor, the sick, and the hungry?! I would love to see this splattered all over our newspapers, online media and televisions. How much differently would the world see God if this is all they saw? I was one of those people of whom you did not read about in the paper or see on 60 Minutes. Two years ago when I was rushed to the hospital many times, doctors could not find out why my heart was functioning improperly, and for months I was in fear and crying out to God, “Where are you? Why is this happening to me?” Even if it didn’t look like my God was listening or cared, He was! While on my walk in Ponce Inlet, my heart began to beat very rapidly, my husband drove me to the ER again, but this time, they could see what the problem was so the ER physician informed me of a heart specialist in the area that could help. FINALLY! I was so relieved, hope began to well up inside of me again. God’s love began to manifest through a doctor who looked at me and said, “You’re not going crazy, I found the problem and I will fix it!” I was so grateful for this mans talents. And how did he receive such amazing knowledge? GOD! The scriptures say that God gives gifts to mankind. In the old testament it says that the Lord gives wisdom and abilities to his creation. They say that some physicians have a “GOD COMPLEX” well some of that is true, only their own abilities did not originate by their own wisdom, they came from the creator of heaven and earth. So the next time you are wondering, “Does God really care?” Open your bible and take a look at all of the amazing, loving things that the Lord has done and remember that He does not change, He is the SAME yesterday, today and forever! His faithful love never comes to an end.

Welcome to blog world, honey. Thank God for good health and good doctors!
Since there is so many fields of spliaietces that I have a choice of, I still really can’t choose one. So I am going base on my personal experiences. My original goal back in high school and maybe even before that, was to work in a Neonatal ICU! I had a brother that passed before he had his first birthday from heart complications, and that year I spent a lot of time at hospitals with my parents. My goal the first couple of years was to work with babies just like him. That was until I had my own children, I would of still loved to have worked in that career field but the heart ache I would most likely endure when one of those babies did not make it home. I could not have handled!On to more positive experiences, I have worked with the elderly and Geriatrics interests me very much. Being surrounded with people that have lived a fulfilled life is so much more rewarding. Even though at times it is the ending stages of their lives, and it is sad when someone does pass. It’s less of a heartache to know that most of the time they are ready to move on. They are still very dependent on you and when you are able to help them with their needs that’s the most rewarding of all, plus you form a special relationship with the patients and their families.
Hi Nina, man if I had to list what God’s done for me, there wouldn’t be enough paper in the world! I mean outside of salvation, which would be enough. Here’s a short list:
-allowed the hole in my daughter’s heart to heal on its own, without surgery, medicine or disabilty
-provided therapists for my other daughter, who never smiled a day in her life before they showed up
-always put food on our table AND paid all our mortgages, even when we had no clue where the money would come from
-saved my life from a stroke so bad the doctor actually said it was a miracle I survived WITH ZERO DAMAGE
I could go on and on. God provides…but we have to be open to it. The day my life changed was when I stopped whining, cut down the complaining, and started getting grateful for the bad stuff. Blessings from burdens..that could be the title of my life story!
Welcome to the blogosphere, Nina, and let me know anytime I can help!
Hi Gina, thanks for your comment. WOW! God is good! Your story and countless stories of families just like yours are not heard. I believe if the media covered stories such as yours and mine I believe it would send a whole different message to the world. That is one reason why I am so eager to keep writing about the GOOD…be it facebook, blogging etc…whatever it takes to show the world about our amazing, loving, miraculous God!