Did you know that 40% of the Homeless Population are WOMEN?
We have served over 20,000 Meals to the Homeless in Daytona Beach, Florida since 2014, and have come to know many of our homeless community. Surprisingly there are a vast number of Women who are Homeless sleeping in bushes! You’ll oftentimes see them sleeping in broad daylight. Why? Because it’s safe. They will have less of a chance of being sexually assaulted in public, that is why they sleep on sidewalks and storefronts. One day as we drove by a very popular resort here in Daytona Beach, Florida, we saw a Woman who was very dirty, no shoes and sleeping in the parking lot of a gift shop just across the street. That is when we decided, it’s TIME! Time to provide the necessary shelter by providing permanent housing for these women. Our goal is to also provide housing for men as well. Is it successful? Yes! Our inspiration came from a group called Loaves and Fishes in Austin, Texas that provides permanent housing for their Homeless community.
In 2015 studies estimated there are 565,000 Homeless in the USA on any given night – 40% are Women.
There are over 200 Homeless Women in the Daytona Beach area.
Nationally, 50% of the Homeless population have spent time in foster care – The National Alliance to End Homelessness.
Statistics say Domestic and Sexual Violence is the Leading Cause of Homelessness among Women and Families, and 20-50% of all Homeless Women and Children become Homeless as a direct result if fleeing domestic violence. (From the article: Health Care for Homeless Women – The National Center on Family Homelessness and National Coalition for the Homeless.)
With the success of Legacy Housing – our Home for girls aging out of the foster care system preventing youth homelessness and trafficking, we are obeying God by Providing Safe Housing for Women who never had a safe, loving group home upon exiting the FCS. For more information and how you can Give – Visit Ponce Village – Homeless Women Housing, PonceVillage.com and PonceChurch.com
Thank you!