I LOVE Christmas! I enjoy the shopping and giving to others, I especially love that it is one of THE most celebrated times of year where everyone from all walks of life witness Christians celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ the Savior of the World! What I do not love however is the “bah humbug” mentality that goes along with this merry holiday. In years past I would find myself looking at the faces of those pushing their carts down the crowded isles and I did not like what I saw: Many with unhappy faces filled with frowns and even anger. Because of this I found myself beginning to dread the thought of participating in one of my personal favorite times of the Christmas season: shopping! As I pondered ways to keep this from happening I had this inspired thought: Don’t look at their faces! This year as we began our Christmas shopping I chose to put it into practice. Now I do my best to focus on those that have a jolly spirit. I have made it a point to turn my attention toward the giggly, joyful child as they look at the abundance of toys on display, or the one singing along to the Christmas jingles as they make their way through the store. I have also decided this Christmas to not get Scrooged! And most of all to keep my focus on the most meaningful reason for the season, and that Is Jesus, “Unto us is born this day in the City of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord”
Merry Christmas Everybody and have a Happy and Safe New Year!
God Bless Us Everyone!