I remember ministering at a church some years ago asking this question: ‘What if Jesus came through the doors needing a jacket or sweater to keep him warm, how many of us would offer him ours without hesitation? Or if he was hungry and came to our home, would we not share our meal with…
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JESUS Needs Your Sweater
By: Nina
Jesus Needs Your Sweater, The Least Is Jesusage out foster girls daytona, age out foster girls port orange, churches that feed the poor, daytona beach local charites, feeding the homeless in daytona beach, I was hungry and you fed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, Legacy Housing for age out foster girls florida, Mathew 25, north street daytona beach fl, providing safe housing for age out foster girls daytona beach florida, Restore Hope Daytona, the least is JesusLeave a Comment on JESUS Needs Your Sweater