Something I’ve ALWAYS wanted! Isn’t it interesting how that over the years during Christmas and other special occassions many of us have proclaimed, “This is what I’ve always wanted!” But is it really? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve said it myself many times, but this year has been different. Very different. Oh, I could get…
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Bigger, Better, More…
By: Nina
Bigger Better More, Needing and Wanting Moreachieving more, acquiring more, always needing more, bigger better more stuff, buying more, buying more stuff, Christmas 2017, contentment and new year resolutions, diamonds are a girls best friend are they, getting more, how can I be happy, how to get happy, joy may be full, my joy may be in you and your joy may be full, wanting more but never satisfied, what does it mean to be content, what is true contentment, what is true happiness, why am I never happyLeave a Comment on Bigger, Better, More…