Have you ever met someone that left a lasting impression on your life? I have met many people in my lifetime but I’ve never encountered someone so full of love and compassion as my best Friend. He has never left my side. He’s been with me through the happiest and even the most trying times…
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Have You Met Him?
By: Nina
forgiveness, Forgiveness of sins, forgiving, forgiving others, God's love, God's mercy, Jesus resurrection, Jesus said to love your neighbor, love in action, Love more than just wordsbelieving in Jesus, best friend, church that teaches faith in Jesus and love in action, compassion, finding a church, forgive your enemies, Forgiveness, friend that sticks closer than a brother, lasting imprints, Love, love in action, love is more than a feel, love is more than a word, love your enemies, meeting Jesus, mistakes, patience, prayer for salvation in Jesus Christ, relationship with Jesus, Sin, Son of Man, Son of the living God, wisdom, woman caught in adulteryLeave a Comment on Have You Met Him?