TO DRINK or NOT TO DRINK! For years I did what many people all over the world do to ring in the New Year: Drink. As a child I grew up in a home with many adult parties in our own basement. I remember putting my ear to the floor in my bedroom to listen…
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Rethink The Drink
By: Nina
Happy New Year Hangovers 2015, New Year Hangovers, New Years and Alcoholalcohol during the holiday, alcohol-free new years celebration, avoiding hangovers, celebrating sober, drinking water, hangovers, Hangovers 2015, hangovers and brain dehydration, how to get rid of your blasted hangover, myths about hangovers, New Years Celebration, remedies for a hangover, Rethink the drink, sober new years eve parties, the truth about hangoversLeave a Comment on Rethink The Drink