Jesus paid a very big price for mankind all because of the Father’s love for his creation, you, me and the entire world in fact. The following verses will encourage you as you trust the Lord for health and restoration to your body. His words are given to us to build our faith and to…
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God’s Word & Healing
By: Nina
God's Health Care Plan 2014, God's Word and Healingbig faith, chain of command, does Jesus heal today, Faith, faith comes by hearing God's word, gifts of healing, God and healing, God responds to faith, God's kingdom, God's word and healing, Gods health care plan, is healing for today, is it God's will to heal, Jesus and healing, Jesus gives power to disciples to heal, Jesus healing the sick, little faith, mustard seed faith, woman touched Jesus robe, woman with blood issue in the Bible, working of miracles1 Comment on God’s Word & Healing