In the church world there are two kinds of Christians: We are either the older brother as in the Prodigal Son (harsh and full of judgement) OR we have the characteristics of our heavenly Father as the younger sons father in this parable: Full of love, mercy and compassion. (Luke 15:11-32). After reading about Katy…
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You Got This!
By: Nina
2015 Super Bowl, God speaks to Katy Perry, Katy Perry prays before superbowlcan anyone hear God speak to them, can we hear God speak to us, Christians judging katy perry, did God speak to katy perry, God speaks to katy perry, how does God speak to us, judgemental christians, katy perry, Katy Perry performance at 2015 Super Bowl, katy perry prays, Katy Perry prays before the Super Bowl, mercy triumphs over judgementLeave a Comment on You Got This!