As we stood to say the Pledge of Allegiance the last few words stood out to me, almost as if they were prophetic: “… with liberty and justice for all“. My husband and I were in the front row on the far left as he had signed up to speak for two minutes and thirty…
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Liberty & Justice for All…
By: Nina
Daytona Beach city council meeting Wed January 6th 2016 homeless, Daytona Beach Homeless Shelter 2016businesses and the homeless on beach street in daytona beach, city council meeting wednesday january 6 2016 regarding homeless, feeding the homeless at north street daytona beach fl, homeless outside county tag and title building in daytona beach, move to build tiger bay shelter for homeless, temporary homeless shelter at Daytona Beach Salvation Army, tiger bay homeless shelter for daytona beach fl1 Comment on Liberty & Justice for All…