Something I’ve ALWAYS wanted! Isn’t it interesting how that over the years during Christmas and other special occassions many of us have proclaimed, “This is what I’ve always wanted!” But is it really? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve said it myself many times, but this year has been different. Very different. Oh, I could get pretty much whatever I wanted, but the desire was not there, I have noticed my appetite has changed. Yes, getting things can be very enjoyable, but the feeling of excitement lasts for such a short time. Why is that? Shouldn’t we be content and happy all the time with all the things we’ve acquired over the years, and yet we find ourselves feeling empty yet again once the newness wears off. We then find ourselves wanting more because what we don’t realize is that what we “really want” is to posess that joy and happiness all the time. My friends, the wisdom I have gained over the years is this: Although they try very hard, the world cannot offer this kind of joy. Oh yes, they try to duplicate it, but to no avail.
When my husband and I were first married and had children we wanted the BEST for them and for us. We were trapped in the cycle of needing Bigger, Better and More…But we have learned over the years that the REAL treasure is hidden, but at the same time it’s right under our very own noses: Contentment. Contentment is the state of being happy, the state of being content.
It’s interesting that what we’re all longing for is to be content. The good news? God offers this state of happiness all the time, if we’ll just take a moment to consider and embrace it: Hebrews 13:5 says that we are to be content with what we have now and to beware of the “need” for things (money, stuff) which in biblical terms is called covetousness, for He promises to never leave us or forsake us.
Jesus also said this fullness of Joy is available, but it doesn’t come by the worlds standard: gaining stuff and more stuff. It does however come through Love. The good acts and deeds that we do for others, yes others. How do I know? I’ve had a taste of it myself. I’ve known what it’s like to get, have and hold onto the Big, Better and More stuff…and then I’ve tasted what it means to really be content, happy and have fullness of Joy, and the later is far more rewarding, “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. “This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.” John 15:10-12. Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions (helping others) and in truth. 1John 3:18.
Allow contentment and Love for others become a way of life.